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Time for a Garden
By Gabe Brown, Understanding Ag, LLCIt’s the time of the year when many of us are thinking about growing a garden. With the ongoing pandemic highlighting the importance of having a healthy immune system, it is more important than ever that we do what we can to ensure that we are growing and consuming nutrient-dense […]

Let’s be Responsible
By Shane New Understanding Ag, LLC I want to preface this blog by stating up front that some may find the contents controversial. My intentions are not to belittle the current situation, anyone or anything an individual does. My intention is to promote thought and conversation as to how our country can move forward so we, […]

Invest in Yourself
By Gabe Brown and Shane New, Understanding Ag, LLC The continuing COVID-19 pandemic is having a major impact on economies all over the world. Businesses are being closed, work hours reduced and many people have been laid off. The stock market has lost a full one-third of its value in a very short time. This […]

So, do you really want to plant corn?
With corn planting underway in many parts of the country, I couldn’t help but think just how risky that decision is. I am not talking about risk from the standpoint of weather and concerns regarding growing conditions—I am talking specifically about the decision to plant corn, period. Look at the data from the latest farming […]

“Gather ‘Round”
by Gabe Brown, Understanding Ag, LLC Partner So here we are, in a situation that most of us have never been in: spending the majority of our time “in lockdown.” We are used to the frantic pace that is life. While the kids eat a quick breakfast of processed cereal, we make sure they have […]

Healthy Gut, Healthy Body
Allen R Williams, Ph.D., Understanding Ag, LLC Partner We often think of ourselves as a single organism called a person. However, we are actually made up of a dazzling array of parts (arms, legs, ears, nose, eyes, etc.) and pieces (heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas, stomach, intestines, etc.). Somehow all these parts and pieces function as […]

Wake Up, America!
By Gabe Brown and Shane New, Understanding Ag LLC With the chaos occurring in our country at present, we need to slow down, gather our thoughts and “touch bottom.” This story, shared with me by a former Navy SEAL, illustrates this point. In one training exercise, the SEAL candidates’ hands are tied together, as well as […]

Why Regenerative Agriculture?
Allen R Williams, Ph.D., Understanding Ag, LLC As I described in my preceding blog, it is getting crazy out there and the panic buying is not subsiding. What is occurring in our nation, and around the world, only serves to substantiate why we need regenerative agriculture now more than ever. It is no longer just about […]

Salvaging a Profit in the Current Cattle Market
By Gabe Brown and Shane New, Understanding Ag, LLC The continuing downward slide in the cattle market has left many with knots in their stomachs. Should one “jump ship” and sell at what is most likely a loss, or does one hang on for a while longer? Instead of making a quick decision based on […]

Common Sense During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Allen R Williams, Ph.D., Understanding Ag We are now experiencing times that many alive today have never been exposed to. We are witnessing our own human condition and our response to something that seems overwhelming and possibly insurmountable. The tangible result is being manifested in widespread panic and fear. Fear that we will run out of […]

“Time to Rethink Our Food System”
Gabe Brown and Shane New A trip to the local grocery store today turns up many empty shelves—a sight that most Americans have not seen before. This is just one of a myriad of ramifications of the coronavirus outbreak. Without a doubt, this will affect us for months to come. But we feel this puts […]

The Unintended Consequences of Pesticides
Allen R Williams, Ph.D.Understanding Ag, LLC Continuing the discussion around unintended consequences, all we have to do is look around us and the evidence is staring us in the face. We simply have to recognize and acknowledge the facts before us. In the process of doing that though, we also have to admit that we […]