Understanding Ag provides a variety of training opportunities throughout the year!
See our past webinars below or click the button to register for an upcoming webinar. UA strives to bring challenging topics and issues to our audience. The opinions expressed in these webinars are those of the presenter(s) and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or positions of Understanding Ag, LLC.
Past Webinars with Understanding Ag
Regeneration: Making It Pay Even More!
You’ve done the work, now get credit for it.
You’ve invested time and effort into improving your land, creating a healthier, more resilient ecosystem. But why stop there? More and more, food processors and retailers are seeking verifiable proof that the products they source come from farms practicing regenerative agriculture. These buyers want to ensure that the food they’re purchasing aligns with growing consumer demand—and that’s where Regenified can help.
By verifying your regenerative practices through Regenified, you unlock data that validates the impact of your farming efforts. This data can deepen your relationships with buyers, providing them with the assurance they need and enhancing the value they see in your farm. When you can confidently show the outcomes of your work—improved soil health, water retention, and biodiversity—you position yourself as a trusted partner in the supply chain.
Join us to learn how you can showcase the value of your work and share your regenerative impact with partners and buyers.
Los 6 principios de la salud del suelo, Presentando Fernando Falomir
Los 6 principios de la salud del suelo: Comprender los conceptos basicos y los beneficios
La restauración de la fertilidad natural del suelo se puede lograr siguiendo estos 6 principios básicos que se han demostrado ser altamente efectivos sin importar tu ubicación geográfica o distribución de lluvias. Los productores agrícolas y ganaderos que concentran sus esfuerzos en la salud del suelo han logrado incrementar la productividad de sus operaciones y mitigan el riesgo operativo. Simplemente, un suelo saludable aportara una mayor cantidad de nutrientes a las plantas y al ganado que se alimenta de ellas, mejorando su desempeño y bienestar! Registrar aquí.
Picking the Low-Hanging Fruit with Eric Fuchs
Understanding Ag's Eric Fuchs, along with several expert panelists, will share some easy regenerative management practices that can be immediately implemented on your farm or ranch to save money and make more income on ALL types of operations, both row crops and livestock, and in all locations and environments.
Regenified, verifying your hard work!
In this Understanding Ag webinar, you’ll learn how Regenified™ can verify your regeneratively grown products to help you get recognition for and monetize your hard work in implementing regenerative principles and practices in your operation. Featuring UA’s Gabe Brown, Regenified’s Director of Farmer Experience, Samantha Buckingham, and Director of Retail Partnerships and CPGs Kathleen Wood Leverenz, this webinar will explore Regenified’s practice- and outcome-based land verification and product certification program that is driving the growth of regenerative agriculture and the adoption of certified products across the globe.
The Power of Adaptive Grazing with Fernado Falomir
The use of adaptive grazing allows ranchers to use cattle to restore ecosystem function without the need of costly external inputs (diesel or fertilizer). When cattle are properly managed through the application of adaptive grazing management principles, the effect on the environment triggers positive cascading effects on all four ecosystem processes and cycles that drive plant growth: energy, mineral, water and biodiversity. With over 15 years of managing in extremely brittle environments and unreliable rainfall, Understanding Ag’s Fernando Falomir demonstrates how cattle can be used as an effective tool to restore degraded landscapes and improve overall profitability. In this webinar, you’ll also learn how adaptive grazing reduces erosion and sediment transport, promotes perennial plant growth, controls invasive species, restores riparian areas and incised channels, and reestablishes natural water flow and promotes infiltration.
Impacting Soil During the Winter with Bale Grazing with Jeremy Sweeten and Kent Solberg
During this recording Understanding Ag’s Jeremy Sweeten will outline how you can improve soils in the winter while feeding hay on pasture. And he will also discuss different feeding methods and their impact on soils, plant diversity and livestock.
How to determine carrying capacity of your Ranch with Fernado Falomir
Estimating the carrying capacity of your ranch can be a daunting task or might seem extremely complicated. Understanding Ag’s Fernado Falomir outlined a practical approach to determine the proper carrying capacity for your ranch. Getting this management decision right can help land managers meet animal performance goals and continue improving grassland restoration efforts while mitigating operating risk and building drought resiliency.
Being a Good Steward in Today's World with Dr. Allen Williams & Sam Bass
What does it truly mean to be a good steward and what all is included in that? Understanding Ag’s Sam Bass and Allen Williams, Ph.D., will explore what scripture tells us about stewardship and then discuss how that applies to each of us in the world of today. Listen now as they dig deep into God's purpose and His plan.
Creating Healthy and Resilient Perennial Crops (Fruit & Nuts)” with Chuck Schembre
Chuck Schembre will discuss the critical importance and role of soil fungi in creating a resilient perennial cropping system. Chuck will cover a range of topics including addressing cascading impacts to the soil and tree microbiome, optimizing plant health, increasing pest and disease suppression, improving the farm water cycle, and regenerative soil health practices for both orchards and vineyards.
Monetizing Your Regenerative Advantage with Dr. Allen Williams
Properly accounting for farm and ranch expenditures and calculating true net profits can be quite challenging, as can determining how best to market your products from the farm or ranch. In this webinar, Allen Williams, Ph.D., will explore the key challenges farmers and ranchers face in today's economic climate and how you can more effectively monetize your “regenerative advantage.”
Turn Out Time with Burke Teichert
Understanding Ag’s Burke Teichert is often asked, "When should we turnout to start grazing?" To which he replies, "Why did you ever turn in?” Or, "Why did you not graze all year long?” During his webinar titled “Turnout Time?” Burke will discuss a number of factors that should be considered when determining how to graze as the plant world is beginning to wake up in the spring. He will discuss the items that need to be observed and considered to enable grazing year-long or grazing for as many days as possible. He’ll help you ask and answer many important questions in determining the right “Turnout Time” for your operation.
Managing Compaction in Regenerative Cropping Systems with Brian Dougherty
Compaction is a “growing” problem in conventional farming operations. That problem impacts crop yield, soil function and a farm’s bottom line. In his webinar, “Managing Compaction in Regenerative Cropping Systems,” Understanding Ag’s Brian Dougherty will examine what causes compaction, how to assess and remediate compacted fields, and how to prevent compaction from stealing your profits.
Reversing Degradation with Blain Hjertaas
Degradation. It’s the word that most aptly describes what’s happening today to the soil and water resources on our farms and ranches. In his webinar, “Reversing Degradation: Agriculture Opportunity, Global Imperative,” Understanding Ag’s Blain Hjertaas will provide key insights into this critical problem and what we can do to help solve it. Blain will demonstrate how growing plants and grazing ruminants are key practices in regenerating our soil and water resources—and how those practices positively impact water vapor, the most powerful greenhouse gas controlling 95 percent of the heating and cooling on the planet.
Landowner-Tenant Relations: What's fair when the tenant is advancing soil health?
Improving soil health protects natural resources and ensures the long-term value and productivity of farmland. But what are fair rental terms when advancing soil health, and what other factors should tenants and landlords consider when farming to improve soil health? In this important Understanding Ag webinar guests Brandon Bock, Connor Pierce and Rixon Simmons shared their insights, experiences and tips for farming regeneratively with landlords.
Transformational Dairying with Derek Schmitz
"Transformational Dairying" The story of how one family made the intentional change from conventional dairying to regenerative dairying. The Schmitz family in Cold Springs, MN struggled for years until they attended a Soil Health Academy and made a transformational change in the way they did things. Derek Schmitz shares their struggles, challenges and issues and what they did to become successful regenerative dairy farmers. If you are a dairy farmer, or any type of farmer, this is a story you want to hear.
Don't Buy It. Grow It. with David Kleinschmidt and Shane New
As fertilizer prices soar to record highs, now more than ever, is the time to start making the nitrogen cycle work for you. In this recorded webinar Understanding Ag's David Kleinschmidt and Shane New discuss how you can reduce your dependence on synthetic fertilizer by growing your own--the way nature intended.
From 'Dis-ease' to Abundant LIFE
South Dakota farmer Roy Thompson shared his story about how changing his diet changed his health and his outlook on life. Click here to hear more about Roy’s struggle with Crohn’s disease.
Biblical Stewardship: Caring for God's Creation with Allen Williams
In this Second Biblical Stewardship webinar Allen Williams, Ph.D., along with Sam Bass, examine what God has to say about pasturelands, rest and food. In “Caring for God’s Creation,” Allen will also explore cropping techniques in the Old Testament days; if scripture mentions love of the soil; and how we can apply God's principles to our farms and ranches.
Cover Crops with Cash Crops with David Kleinschmidt
Cover crop with cash crop open forum discussion with farmers from the Midwest including Mike Imhoff, Austin Schweizer, Jon Hemme and David Kleinschmidt. Listen to some of their successes and challenges the farmers have faced along the way and how they think you could avoid them in 2022.
Building Resiliency: Crop Resilience Through Crop Diversification with Brandon Bock
Learn how diversification and cover crops can lead to increased profitability and resilience from North Dakota farmer Brandon Bock.
Biblical Stewarship with Allen Williams
Have you wondered what the Bible has to say about stewardship and our role in this creation? We explored that in this webinar with Allen Williams
Building Resiliency: Farm and Ranch Profitability with Burke Teichert
Take advantage of Burke's vast experience on increasing farm and ranch profitability to fine tune your operation.
Building Resiliency: The Role of Epigenetics with Allen Williams and Gabe Brown
Allen Williams and Gabe Brown explains how to take advantage of one of the least understood and unappreciated ways to increase ranch profitability through utilizing epigenetics
Building Resiliency: Ranching for Resiliance in the Chihuahuan Desert
Building Resiliency with Understanding Ag's Alejandro Carrillo
Is it really possible to have a profitable ranching operation while receiving only eight inches of moisture a year?
The answer is "Yes!
Building Resiliency: The Relationship Between Water, Carbon, & Biology with Gabe Brown & Shane New
Listen as Gabe Brown and Shane New discuss the relationship between water, carbon and biology, in Understanding Ag's "Building Resiliency" free webinar series.
Building Resiliency: Part 1 with Understanding Ag Team
Building Resiliency part one as the Understanding Ag team discusses how to help you understand how your management can lead to a farm that is much more resilient to drought, flooding, and extremes in temperatures.
"Cover Crop Planting Decisions" with Understsanding Ag's Experts
Listen in to this Q & A webinar as the Understanding Ag team dives in to our participants questions about covers crops that are specific to there operations.
The first questions that we have to ask ourselves is this....
What are your resource concerns?
Take it to the Bank: Increasing Profitability in a Corn/Bean Rotaion with David Brandt
In this, Understanding Ag panel webinar (with extended Q&A), Dan DeSutter, David Brandt and David Kleinschmidt discussed how farmers can lower input costs while increasing farm profitability and resiliency. The secret to success is using soil-health improving regenerative ag principles and practices—and these preeminent experts will answer your questions regarding how you can do the same.
"Your Regenerative Ag Questions Answered: Q & A with Understsanding Ag's Experts
Have you come across a regenerative ag practice problem you just can't seem to solve? Has Mother Nature thrown you a curveball that you just can't seem to hit?
Listen in to this Q & A webinar with the Understanding Ag Team of Experts
Toxic Legacy with Dr. Stephanie Seneff
Glyphosate is the most common herbicide in the world. The United States has been using glyphosate in agriculture since 1974, and it is also popular as the formulation Roundup to control weeds in residential maintenance of lawns. Starting in the late 1990s, a breakthrough technology involving genetically modified crops allowed glyphosate to be sprayed indiscriminately on the crop without killing it. Glyphosate is considered to be a great boon to agriculture because it kills all plants except those that have been engineered to resist it, yet is “practically harmless” to humans or to animals in general.
"Got Phytonutirents?" Health-promoting Phytonutrients in Grass-fed Meat and Milk with Dr. Stephan van Vliet
Stephan van Vliet, Ph.D., is a nutrition scientist and metabolomics expert in the Stedman Nutrition and Metabolism Center at Duke University School of Medicine whose research examines critical linkages between agricultural production methods, the nutrient density of food, and human health in equitable and sustainable food systems.
Regenerating Human Health: The Soil And Human Microbiomes with Sara Keough
"Regenerating the Diversity of Life in the Soils" with David and Hui-chun Su Johnson
Hope for: Farming, Ranching, Nutrition, Environment, Health and Climate!
Molecular biologist David C. Johnson and his wife, Hui-Chun Su Johnson, cover the construction, filling, and management of the Johnson-Su static pile composting bioreactor. They discuss:
• How this composting process creates a fungal-dominant, biologically diverse compost inoculant that can be used to jump start soil biology and increase crop production.
• The composting do’s and don’ts for producing a biologically diverse compost end product
• Best practices and preferred methodologies for applying the compost in scaled farming operations.
"Insects: A Little Known Force of Nature Shaping Your Farmland" with Dr. Mike Bredeson
"Regenerative Gardening" with Brian Downing
Before you start planning and ordering seeds for this year's garden, be sure to listen to this webinar featuring Brian Downing.
During the webinar, Brian will share his practical insights on how gardeners and small-acreage farmers can apply the six principles of soil health to increase diversity, potentially integrate livestock and grow cover crops under cash crops.
"Plant Based Meats : The Potential Harm to Human Health" with Sara Keough
"Discover Regen AG 101" with Understanding Ag
Tune into this webinar to learn more about the Soil Health Academy's regenerative agriculture on-line course, Regen Ag 101, featuring the course's creators Ray Archuleta, Gabe Brown, Shane New and Allen Williams, Ph.D.
"Six-Legged Stewards: The global influence of insects in conservation, biodiversity, and regenerative agriculture" with Dr. Ralph Washington
Insects are some of the most abundant and speciose animals and their small size belies their enormous impact on the health of the planet. They live on every continent, they are found in nearly all environments, and they influence what we eat, what we wear, and where we live. Despite their tremendous importance in our own lives, we often know little about them. They have also been greatly affected by the same environmental issues that we struggle with as a global society. Insects are the most apparently alien creatures with whom we are intimately connected, and we must work with them to uphold our responsibility to the world.
Greening the Desert with Alejandro Carrillo
Learn more about regenerative ranching principles and practices proven to revert desertification and restore native grasslands in arid environments such as the Chihuahuan Desert.
40 Plus Years of Cover Crop Experience with David Brandt
Brandt will share his extensive knowledge of how to integrate cover crops into a corn-soybean rotation.
Regenerative Success Stories with Brad McIntyre and Darin Williams
Do you want to know what it is like to take the plunge into regenerative agriculture? Learn how McIntyre Farms of Caldwell, Idaho and D & N Farms of Waverley, Kansas took their operations from ones of high input, low returns to productive, profitable, and regenerative! Brad and Darin will share not only their stories but also tips on how stacking enterprises and wise marketing can significantly increaseprofitability.
Practical Steps to Implementing Regenerative Agriculture Principles & Practices Gabe Brown & Dr. Allen Williams
Learning the Six Soil Health Principles, the Four Ecosystem Processes, and the Three Rules of Adaptive Stewardship are crucial first steps to initiating regenerative agriculture on your farm or ranch. However, how you practically implement those principles and rules is another matter. In this webinar we will provide some very practical and achievable steps for starting, and continuing, your journey into regenerative agriculture and adaptive stewardship. Questions we will address include: What are the best baseline measurements to track? How do you know if you are making progress? How can you implement these steps and still maintain profitability? Where can you strategically cut inputs, equipment costs and reliance on products and services, while realizing improvement in both productivity and net margins?
"From Stress to Strategy, Financial Planning During Challenging Times" Joshua Dukart
Effective financial planning and analysis does not start with crunching numbers and running scenarios. Profitable decisions actually begin with a vision to establish direction and creative thinking about how we are going to get there. Incredibly, finances, resource management, and quality family life are not independent of each other. Instead, they are wound tightly together and can actually feed value into each other generating profit in the short term and wealth in the long term.
"Build Resiliency Into Your Dairy" Kent Solberg and Dr. Allen Williams
Interested in saving production costs and building resiliency into your dairy? Are there opportunities during difficult markets? It begins with the soil. You can use assets already on the farm. Join Understanding Ag's Allen Williams and Kent Solberg as they explore options for dairy producers to enhance their farm's potential.
"Agriculture and Drinking Water: How it Affects Your Operation" Eric Fuchs
Eric Fuchs knows a thing or two about agriculture and water regulatory issues because he’s seen a thing or two. He lives on a diversified livestock operation where he’s been applying holistic planned grazing for more than eight years AND he’s employed by the Missouri Rural Water Association as a source water protection technician. Eric travels the entire state of Missouri working with small communities, helping them protect their drinking water. In this webinar, he will share his firsthand knowledge and experience regarding agricultural land use and its effect on drinking water-and what water regulations may mean to you and your farming operation.
"Soil Building Secrets" with Ray Archuleta and David Kleinschmidt
Ray Archuleta will explain how soil functions: how plants, animals, and organisms work together as a collective to transform and extract nutrients from the soil. David Kleinschmidt will explain how farmers and ranchers can use diverse crops, cover crops and animals to enhance that cycle.
"Marketing: Laying the Foundation" with Gabe Brown, Shane New, Dr. Allen Williams
Seasoned marketers, Gabe Brown, Shane New, and Allen Williams will provide the foundational base for marketing success. Learn from their hard earned experience and wisdom so you can build a solid marketing program of your own.
Marketing: "The Tables Have Turned" with Dr. Allen Williams
This webinar will explore how the recent coronavirus pandemic has impacted the agricultural and food markets. Potential paradigm shifts have already occurred. How can you take advantage of these markets and plan for what future markets will look like.
"Tips for a Successful Grazing Season" with Dr. Allen Williams
Allen Williams and the Understanding Ag team will discuss key adaptive grazing tips for a successful 2020 grazing season. Getting started right is crucial to the productivity of the entire season. We will help you get started on the right foot by optimizing forage availability, biomass production, animal performance, and net profitability.
"The ‘rhizophagy cycle’: How plants harvest nutrients from microbes"
Hosted by the Soil Health Academy
James Francis White, Jr., Ph.D.April 2, 2020
Plants extract nutrients from soil microorganisms (mostly bacteria) in roots through a process known as the “rhizophagy cycle.” But how and why does this exchange occur? In an upcoming Understanding Ag webinar, Rutgers University Professor James Francis White, Jr., Ph.D., will share his research and insights on how plants cultivate soil microbes and acquire nutrients from them through this fascinating process. “By learning more about the ‘rhizophagy cycle,’ farmers will learn why it’s important to create and maintain healthy soils with a diverse soil microbial community,” White says.“Plants obtain nutrients from soil microbes, so soils should be managed to retain a healthy microbial community,” he says. “Seeds should not be treated in any way that reduced microbes on seed surfaces and microbes themselves may be used to manage diseases of crops.”Join us for an intriguing look into this remarkable underground exchange that will provide even more incentives for you to care for your nutrient-delivering, microbial business partners.
"How to Save Dollars on Your Fertilizer Needs" with Lance Gunderson
Lance Gunderson, ReGen Ag Lab, will explain the importance of proper soil testing, including which tests to take, when and how to take them. By following the protocol that Lance will outline farmers will be able to make informed decisions as to the nutrient needs of their crops. These informed decisions give farmers the opportunity to save considerable money on their nutrient costs. We encourage all farmers, ranchers and gardeners to watch this webinar.