Your Regenerative Journey Begins Here
At Understanding Ag, we believe that education and understanding is so powerful that once you begin your regenerative journey, you will never turn back.
The Foundation for Your Success
Learn why UA’s consulting and educational components form a critical foundation for the implementation of the soil health principles and adaptive grazing rules for your regenerative success.
Your Partners in Regeneration
Understanding Ag’s Brian Dougherty grew up on a farm so he knows how family dynamics and stress can impact decision making. In this UA video profile, Brian discusses how he explains soil and ecosystem functions and then shows his clients how to use that information to make their farming operations better… all while “making farming fun again.”
Donate to the FLRA Scholarship Program
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Regardless of the cropping or grazing system, UA’s specialists can help you grow and profit regeneratively.
Understanding Ag’s rancher-consultants will help you understand, then successfully and profitably apply, adaptive grazing and soil health principles. Our ag sector fact sheets explain how and further detail several specific areas of our consultants’ expertise.
How We Help
UA provides you, farmers and ranchers, with the guidance and tools to achieve your goals, success and profitability.
Regen Ag 101’s Virtual Learning Course Now Free to FFA & 4-H Advisors, Vo-Ag Instructors
Thanks to a grant from global food company General Mills, vocational agriculture instructors and FFA & 4-H advisors for grades 7-12 will be provided free access to the regenerative agriculture online course, Regen Ag 101. Continuing education units available.
Consulting and Planning
Understanding Ag can help you achieve your regenerative agricultural goals and objective.
Soil Health
Learn how to improve soil health through practical regenerative agricultural principles.
Resources and Videos
Learn about the principles and practice of regenerative agriculture in the resource and video library.
Regenerative Successes
Regenerative agriculture principles and practices have improved our clients' farms, profits and communities.
Helping our clients grow healthier soil, foods, farms and profits
Read what our clients have to say about how Understanding Ag's consultants have helped them make successful and profitable transitions from input-intensive conventional agriculture to soil health-and profit-improving regenerative agriculture.
Upcoming Webinars
Past Webinars
Updates From Our Experts
Soil erosion has been one of the most persistent challenges humanity has faced since the advent of agriculture over 10,000…
Life is short so embrace change.” That’s the “distilled” philosophy Rodrigo Mestas brings to his tequila business, his regenerative agriculture…
I pulled this image up on GoogleEarth yesterday. The photo below shows an area 12.5 miles wide, by 6.5 miles…