Kyle Richardville

Kyle Richardville

Meet Kyle Richardville

Kyle Richardville grew up on a multi-generation grain and vegetable farm in Vincennes, Indiana with his parents and three siblings. After high school, he began his college education with the intention of becoming a medical doctor. Halfway through his college career, Kyle came across the nutrition department at the university he was attending and decided to switch paths, realizing that food and nutrition play an integral role in both individual and public health. The next stop was Purdue University where Kyle undertook research in a soil microbial ecology lab, focusing primarily on beneficial fungi. It was at this time he began to dig deep into the creatures and processes that lead to better soil health.

Since obtaining his graduate degree, Kyle has continued to work in agricultural research at Texas A&M University to study extracellular soil enzymatic activity, followed by work with North Carolina A&T State University, researching organic vegetable production on a small-farm scale. His experiences and education so far have shown him that the food we eat, and the state of the soil are foundational to the health of living creatures and ecosystems.

Kyle currently lives in the United Kingdom with his wife, Michelle, where he is educating and consulting farmers as they move forward on their regenerative journeys.


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